Dachshund Paradise


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My Dachshunds

I love my pets! On this page I'll describe them and their special place in my life.

my dachshunds are fun to be around. All dachshunds are and they come in all shapes,sizes and personalitys.

Dachshunds come in smooth, wire haired, and long haired. Many colrs which I won't list cause it'd take up too much room. You also have two size choices Miniture or regular.

My Dachshund Modem

Dachshund Management.

Keep your fences in good shape, and doors and gates closed. Your dachshunds will see these as escape routes to explore. It is a pain to look for your missing dachshund and it can be fatal to your dachshund, because of all the dangers outside. Especially cars where they are so small they can't be seen.

My dachshund molly